Posts from other IBM i blogs/websites

01 - Programming (EN)06e - Posts from other Blogs and Websites

"One AS400 to rule them all" - From blog by Paolo Finardi

I would like to point out this post by Paolo Finardi on his blog “One AS400 to rule them all” : Paolo explains how to configure “Dieter Bender’s AppServer4RPG”, a freeware tool that allows… --- Roberto De Pedrini
06e - Posts from other Blogs and Websites

Create "shortcut" commands (CRTPRXCMD)

I would like to point out this 2018 post on RPGPGM.COM: “Easy to create shortcut commands” where Simon Hutchinson talks about the CRTPRXCMD command … Create Proxy Command … a quick way to create “shortcut-shortcut”… --- Roberto De Pedrini
06e - Posts from other Blogs and Websites

Dani's IBM i Blog

An IBM i blog by Dani Swarzc Related Posts DB2 for i SQL – String Manipulation – POSSTR-LOCATE-LOCATE_IN_STRING (EN) Introduction Often, in our applications, we need to work with text strings, and DB2 SQL… --- Roberto De Pedrini