Last Updated on 24 September 2019 by Roberto De Pedrini
We are working on a new Faq400’s event for November in Milan (date and place soon available): an event to take stock of the opportunities that languages and framwork Open Source open to the IBM i platform.
Event: “Hands-On Open Source and Modernization Tools”.
An event dedicated to IBM i developers who will be able to “touch” new application development modes with new languages with a focus on the integration of the existing RPG/Cobol, the concepts of Web Service and API.
An event dedicated to CIOs who are today faced with the choices of modernization or replacement of the company’s information system, the problem of the turn-over of IBM i developers and the difficulty of finding young resources to be included in the laboratory team.
The Gartner study (by Thomas Klinect and Mike Chuba) presented in March 2019 “Considering Leaving Legacy IBM Platforms? Beware, as Cost Savings May Disappoint, While Risking Quality” has recently reopened interest in projects that involve modernizing the company’s information systems compared to the idea of a system or platform change. The Gartner study warns the IOC and Corporate Management about the “hidden” costs that a change of information system and platform necessarily brings with it, to the disruptions for the company during the transition period to the new information system which, often, It lasts several years and invites to better evaluate all the possibilities of modernization of the existing and integration with new applications from a perspective of services and APIs.
From these assumptions came the idea of a new FAQ400 event, to be held in November: an event dedicated to the Open Source languages for IBM i ( Node.js, Python, Ruby, PHP etc.), development frameworks, web service and API concepts and modernization of the interface to a web interface that facilitates the use of new application functions.
It will be a busy, very practical day, where you can “touch” technologies, languages, frameworks and tools. Where you will see how to develop and consume web service from our RPG/Cobol applications. 12-16 workshops in 4 different classrooms, languages, web services, modernization tools, insights for CIOs.
We are still defining the content, we have different ideas but we want to focus everything in one day: we would like to hear from you, IBM i developers, CIO, Software House and Freelance, what are your needs? What would you like to explore in such an event? Let’s forget something?.
A new event for the Italian IBM i Community! Start keeping yourself free in the period around November 20th … the place will be Milan, in an area accessible by public transport.
See you soon!
--- Roberto De Pedrini